Monday 31 March 2014

Scholarly Journals Accepted 120 Fake Research Papers Generated by Computer Program

More than 120 computer-generated "gibberish" research papers are being removed from the archives of scientific journal publishers Springer and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) after a French computer scientist determined the papers were fakes.
The bogus research papers, it turns out, were created by an automated word generation program that can string random, seemingly sophisticated words together in plausible English syntax.
Scientific papers, especially those dealing with computer science and mathematics, as these fake papers were, feature reams of sophisticated jargon. Even legitimate papers can seem like gibberish to an unfamiliar reader.


  1. Fake Indian journal...

    They accept your paper in 48 Hours (2 Days) in Peer Review Process.

    IT is not possible...

    Total Fake Journal, They Work only for money...

  2. what about the journal ijcscn International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks?is it fake or real?

    1. Please give the website of this Journal. So that i can search more about it.

  3. what about ?
